First Vows
The Province celebrated the pronouncement of first vows by Sister Teresa Contreras on October 26th. She was joined in this joyful milestone moment by her family and many Sisters of the Province. Sister Teresa has been missioned to the newly formed interprovincial house in Harlingen, Texas. She joins two Sisters from the Province of Mexico and two Sisters from the Province of St. Louise. The Sisters will develop ministries to those most in need in the area, especially immigrants.
Sending on Mission
Saturday October 5, 2024, was a wonderful day with the Sending on Mission of Sr. Catherine Barkett to Caritas House in San Francisco. Many Sisters from the Province were able to join her for the occasion. Sr. Catherine will be serving at DeMarillac Academy in San Francisco. Sr. Catherine is excited about her first mission!
In the Province of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, our roots run deep. Through the years we built and staffed orphanages, schools, and medical facilities, and our ministries have adapted to the changing needs of their communities.
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Weekly Thoughts and Prayers
Week of January 13, 2025
“Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living creatures are dependent on one another.” Pope Francis
God of Hope, Help us to cherish with love and respect every living creature knowing that you have made us to depend on each other for life, for love, and for hope in the future. Amen.
The Daughters of Charity are called to serve Jesus Christ in the person of the poor and the marginalized. We do this in a spirit of humility, simplicity, and charity. Motivated by the love of Christ and strengthened by a deep prayer life… we live together in community… supporting each other in our common mission of service. Besides vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience… we also make a special vow of service of the poor. These vows are non-religious, annual, and always renewable. The Catholic Church acknowledges us as a Society of Apostolic Life. Since 1852, up and down the Coast of California, the Daughters of Charity helped settle California through Health Care, Education, Religion, and Social Work.