Advocacy Human Trafficking Graphic

Human Trafficking

Office of Social Justice and Environmental Advocacy

Logo Province of Elizabeth Ann Seton

Human Trafficking is human nature at its worse.

To sustain and further oneself at the expense of another’s freedom, body part, or life itself, is a primal example of inhumanity and is abhorrent in a “just society.” The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul work with others to assist and protect those vulnerable to human trafficking. It is our goal to raise awareness at all levels of the evils of human trafficking happening throughout the US and the World.

Corporate Stance

Our Corporate Stance on Human Trafficking

We, the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of the United States and Canada, believe in the sanctity of every human life and are committed to promoting the dignity of every human person. Therefore, we denounce all forms of trafficking in persons. Knowing that human trafficking today is a complex issue with many causes requiring multiple responses,

We commit ourselves to:

  1. Pray consistently for an end to all forms of slavery, and for victims and perpetrators;
  2. Educate ourselves and others regarding the prevalence, causes, and solutions to the worldwide trafficking of human beings;
  3. Commit ourselves to encounter, as possible, those who are most vulnerable to being trafficked.
  4. Stand in solidarity with the victims and survivors of human trafficking and be involved, as much as possible, in assisting them to recover and heal in mind, spirit, and body;
  5. Advocate, in collaboration with others, for policies, initiatives, and programs that work for prevention, education, and advocacy with a goal of eliminating all modern forms of human trafficking;
  6. Exercise responsible consumer practices which foster human rights and prevention of human trafficking;
  7. Promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals for equitable development and elimination of extreme poverty worldwide.

An urgency to migrate — as a result of the convergence of widespread poverty, demand for cheap labor, gender discrimination, economic and social underdevelopment, wars, corruption in the exercise of power and global warming — provides fertile ground for the exploitation of people worldwide

Statements & Sign-Ons

Organizational Sign-Ons


2-15 Post Cards to Sysco – Labeling for Lent Campaign better inform your customers (schools, hospitals, restaurants) about your efforts to ensure your supply chain is free of forced labor so they can make ethical purchasing decisions


Ready to Join Us?

Take the First Step and Get Involved.

 Pray | Participate | Sign Petitions | Volunteer

The following are a sample of the kinds of resources available to you online to get engaged, educate yourself, and share resources.

Daughters of Charity Office of Migration and Modern Slavery

U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking (USCSAHT)

Polaris Project

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Migration and Refugee Services (MRS)

Southern California Partnership for Global Justice

San Francisco Bay Area

For more information regarding Bay Area Human Trafficking, contact Sr. Catarina Chu

San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking

South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking

Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition

Research: Human Trafficking, Trafficking in America or Trafficking Advocacy

For more information regarding Advocacy Initiatives of the Daughters of Charity Province of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, please contact:

Rachel Moccia