Journey Day by Day
~ Summer 1852 ~
The Daughters of Charity story in California began when the seven Sisters journeyed from Emmitsburg, Maryland to San Francisco, California in the summer of 1852.
They traveled by stagecoach from Emmitsburg to New York and from there by steamer to Panama where they crossed the Isthmus by rail, boat, and muleback. Two of the Sisters contracted cholera and died on the Isthmus. The five surviving Sisters journeyed on and arrived in San Francisco on August 18. The Sisters kept a journal with daily entries from June 17 to August 18, giving eyewitness accounts of their journey to California via Panama.
How the Journey Started
Bishop Alemany writes to Father Maller (Provincial Director in Emmitsburg) requesting Sisters for his new diocese in California. It is decided that Sisters would not be sent immediately but in the near future.
May of 1852
Bishop Alemany (later Archbishop) attends the First Plenary Council of Baltimore, meets Father Maller, and renews his request for Sisters to come to San Francisco. His request is granted.
May 26 of 1852
The Sisters’ Council in Emmitsburg decides to send seven Sisters immediately to California and names Sisters Frances McEnnis (40) as Sister Servant with Sisters Fidelis Buckley (49), Mary Sebastian Doyle (45), Corsina McKay (42), Mary Ignatia Green (30), Bernice Williams (34) and Honorine Goodman (38) as her companions.