A delightful morning, the boat ranging from one side of the Chagres river to the other – we got through the rapids safely. On either side of the river magnificent trees towering on high and covered with a charming green foliage: here and there parrots perched on high boughs, chattering and rejoicing in the morning breeze. One in particular deserves especial note. Its body was as large as a Muscovy duck; its tail two feet long, white bill, white round the eyes; gray mark between bill and eyes; head, neck, breast and tail scarlet; upper part of wings a bright yellow, the lower part of a marine blue; legs red, claws gray. It was a truly a beautiful bird.
About eight o’clock, we arrived to our great joy at Crucis, remained until our baggage was brought on shore, then proceeded to the hotel and took breakfast. The first floor of the hotel, was one room, in which the bar was situated; it also served for a dining room. Our bedroom contained eight cots without mattresses. During the night our rest was considerably disturbed by dozens of rats scampering over our beds. Mr. Butler kindly kept watch around our room, as there appeared to be signs of a quarrel among the inmates of the house.